Formula 2
January 4, 2017


100% Pure Marina Collagen Powder Mask

Product Description During the natural aging process, the skin loses elastin and collagen, and over time, the skin loses its ability to snap back into place after being pulled. While there is no effective way to replace the skin’s elastin, as the body mostly stops producing it in early childhood, the skin’s collagen continues to be rejuvenated throughout your lifetime. With some treatments, like collagen pills, or a collagen serum, the body’s own natural production cycle can be amplified in a variety if ways. While some treatments can be expensive and painful, such as collagen injections, others are safer and not as costly, such as a collagen powder mask, for example.

When applied to the face, a collagen powder mask is designed to tighten skin in the long term, Environmental toxins and the free radicals in the sun’s UV rays all destroy collagen, but the ingredients in a collagen powder mask may rejuvenate the skin by moisturizing it and boosting protein production in order to eventually smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

For its maximum effectiveness, Jasmine Formula 1 is specially formulated by 100% pure ocean collagen powder form.
Benefits Helps tighten and revitalize skin for healthy and youthful appearance. It is also recommended to use before make-up
Description Maecenas wisi. Sed elementum, sapien sodales lectus lectus, porta et, nonummy at, bibendum ac, semper dui, ultrices dui. Integer aliquam. Phasellus ornare ac, felis. Phasellus ornare eu, posuere cubilia Curae, Integer egestas, dui a diam. Duis lobortis, mi id mi ipsum dolor id lorem pretium wisi. In pede. Sed fringilla sem orci, viverra mattis. Aliquam erat lacus, suscipit suscipit placerat, molestie vitae, ultricies a, tortor. Suspendisse bibendum leo eros, varius ac, pede. Duis.
How to use Step 1 : Add 2.5 mL (1/2 tsp) of water and mix well.
Step 2 : Wash your face with a cleanser, then apply Formula 1.
Step 3 : Wait for Formula 1 to dry for about 5 to 7 minutes.
Step 4 : Rinse your face with warm water.